Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The ability to listen is a skill I'm still honing. I no longer try to think something up, reaching for something that's just beyond grasp, "way up there, in the art stratosphere where it resides." No, when I'm in the moment, I'm engaged in listening for the next right thing creatively. I may begin with a plan, but that plan soon surrenders to that piece's own plan. I love moments of clear inspiration that nudge me gently into them on faith.

Listening is a form of accepting. Stella Terrill Mann

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Complete satisfaction

I've decided I don't want all the satisfactions from this world...so I serve God, right? That's where I want it. I'll take full & complete satisfaction in God, but don't I want it from the world too? I can't have it both. If I'm working for Him, then I've got the reward. But then why do I turn to the world, to people, and expect that reward too? It's a decision to not expect love, gratitude, acknowledgment from any. I've figured out where all the necessary reward comes from.

So today, I will stand apart from the world and not expect too much from it. Yep, quite content with the rewards that come from Almighty.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tibute to Africa

I'm so excited to make etsy front page this morning!!!